Here’s one from Wes up in north eastern Canada – thank you again! He has time and again sent really interesting varieties by Kinchan of Japan – really hard to find stuff. This one’s a shoyu tonkotsu – let’s check it out!
Kinchan Noodle Shoyu Tonkotsu – Japan
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Don’t know for sure but guessing this contains pork. To prepare, add in sachet contents and boiling water to fill line. Cover for 4 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!
Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).
The noodle block.
The soup base sachet.
A light powder.
Another dry sachet.
A nice little mixture.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added scallions, soft boiled egg, and chashu. The noodles were a little on the spongy side, however when I had finished garnishing and taken pictures, they were quite good. Broth has a definite soy and pork bone hit to it and the included garnish was very nice with crisp veg and pork. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. JAN bar code 4904760010353.
A Geek in Japan: Discovering the Land of Manga, Anime, Zen, and the Tea Ceremony
Watch me cook this up!
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