Here’s one that came in the mail a couple of days ago. This is from Daniel over at – they’re a subscription box company (use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a nice discount) – and he had some samples of this one he wanted to get my opinion of. I figure let’s give it a try – and so here we are. Thanks! Let’s crack ’em open!
The export sticker (click to enlarge).
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Mentions being meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add a bundle of noodles to 450ml boiling water and cook 2 1/2 minutes. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
One of the two noodle bundles.
One of the two dry sachets of soup base.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added Salad Cosmo organic mung bean sprouts, egg, spring onion, kizami nori, chashu, narutomaki, Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp, and sesame seed. Noodles had a sturdy chew to them. Pretty standard kind of instant straight noodles here. The broth was very tasty – seemed lacking in thickness though. Noodles and broth played well together. Hard not to eat it all. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. JAN bar code 4904621070632.
Daisho Variety spread five taste of soup vermicelli 10 meals!! –From JAPAN–
Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!
The post #3552: Daisho Rich Soy Sauce Tonkotsu – Japan appeared first on The Ramen Rater.